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Customer journey and content for informational searches

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:47 am
by karima123
Google Search Console, and each sub-directory can be registered as a separate property to learn the data for each territory. geotargeting of subdirectory in google search console Choice of hosting Depending on your choice in the previous paragraph you will have two possibilities: If you have chosen to use a ccTLD domain for each country, we advise you to hire a hosting with servers located in the target countries. If, on the contrary, you have chosen the option that Human Level recommends, it is best to contract content server networks CDN: Content Delivery Network.

These are servers physically located in various phone database countries where copies of your website are replicated. In this way, when a user accesses the content of your website from any country, they have at their disposal a copy of your content near their location. This reduces latency time and improves download speed. Also, if your website receives a very high volume of visits, the CDN will allow you to distribute the traffic load among the different servers.


Content delivery network Content adaptation Remember: although your potential customers search from different countries in the same language, it will surely have specific uses in each territory. To be clearer, I will give you two examples: Spanish has different connotations in Spain and Argentina, and in the same way, English is not spoken in the same way in the United Kingdom and in the United States. From here arises the requirement to adapt the contents of your website to the language of the country of your target audience, a simple literal translation of all the content of your site is not enough. connotations of the Spanish language in different countries Adapt your content to support the web positioning of your site, carry out keyword research using tools to carry out word studies depending on the language and the country.