The importance of the Bing search engine

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The importance of the Bing search engine

Post by ashraf5596 »

In Brazil as in the rest of the world, almost everyone talks about Google when it comes to using a search engine to look for information, news, companies, products or services. Americans still use Yahoo! and Bing. Worldwide, Google is the supreme and absolute leader of search. According to a recent report by StatCounter, the site registered a market share below 90% for the first time since August 2009. In total, the search engine captured 89.93% of searches on the planet. That is, it continues to be the number 1 source of searches. But not in Brazil. Here we only talk about Google. When we receive, here at the agency, contacts from companies looking for SEO work (Search Engine Optimization.

The intention is clear that your site "appears on Google". Being among the first results of Google is important. Of course, because of all this great use of the search engine here in the country, companies should pay more attention to it. But now, an Experian survey of the Austria Phone Number List main search engines used in Brazil has brought surprising information. Despite being the absolute leader in search participation, with 90.23% of the market, Google Brazil was in last place when it comes to efficiency. The leader in this regard is Microsoft's Bing Brazil, which achieved a success rate of 82.34% in the period that involved the 12 weeks prior to February 11th. According to Experian.


This rate is calculated by the proportion of searches carried out in each of the tools that effectively generated a visit to a website", that is, it takes into account the clicks necessary to enter the desired website. So it is. Bing is still treated by advertisers as just an extra. This is because Brazilian users only focus on Google. But if we were creative, we would, at least occasionally, start searching in other search engines, even to compare the results. I'm not claiming anything. But what if the results offered by other search engines are really more efficient? Have you ever stopped to think about it? But I'll give you one more reason to start thinking differently. It is not just for the reason pointed out above.
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