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Top things telemarketers sell

Post by asaduzzaman644 »

You know the exact date of the day when the stores offer more discounts, and you can buy more at a lower price always check that they haven't set the prices too high, of course.
Shall we begin. index When is Black Friday . The Origins of Black Friday Black Friday in Spain See all categories When is Black Friday .
The Origins of Black Friday Discounts So as not to make you wait, it's much easier to Google the same question and come up with a specific date, so we'll tell you that Black Friday is next November .
Now, if you have purchased online, if you visit social networks, web pages with advertise Hong Kong Phone Number List ments, etc. Of course inside some of them have shown you the stores that have Black Friday.
Also, even if the celebration is on a particular day, many stores decide to offer discounts for that week or the entire month. In fact, most people bet that week to keep their products discounted.
But have you ever wondered where this "discount party" came from. And why has it persisted over time. Either way, why is it called Black Friday .
That's what we're going to say below. The Origins of Black Friday Offer date As you know, Black Friday is an American holiday. It appeared in the United States, and after a few years it began to spread to Europe and other parts of the world.
Something similar to Halloween. However, beyond the discount day, very little is known about the origin of this specific day. Or why it has become a ritual that every business, sooner or later, celebrates.
Black Friday has a lot to do with Thanksgiving. In the United States it is celebrated every year on the last Thursday of November something that has not yet spread to the rest of the world.
And what to do with it. Well, the next day, Friday, there is a tradition of going to shopping centers and stores and even shopping online.
Say the day with the highest sales. Now, it's really something to watch now, hence why Black Friday coincides with Thanksgiving. But the actual origin has nothing to do with purchases.


In fact, we cannot be sure that this is the origin of this day, because there are many theories about the birth of the day. One of them, the one that is considered the most reliable, is connected to Wall Street.
As you know, it is famous for its stock market. In , specifically on Friday, September not November, two agents, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, tried a dangerous strategy to monopolize the entire gold market.
To do this, they got together with the famous New York politician Boss Tweed. They are said to have tried to bribe several judges and famous persons to further their plan.
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