Report Spoofing Incidents to Authorities

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Report Spoofing Incidents to Authorities

Post by bitheerani846 »

If you do start receiving callbacks from people saying you called them, it's a good sign that your number is being spoofed by telemarketers. When this happens, you should report the incidents to the relevant authorities.

File a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about the spoofing. You can also notify your state consumer protection office, as well as the Federal Trade Commission. Providing details like the date, time, and phone number of the spoofed calls can help investigators take action.

Change Your Phone Number as a Last Resort
In extreme cases, if you're unable to stop telemarketers from continuously Malaysia Phone Number your phone number, you may need to consider changing your number entirely. This is not an ideal solution, as it can be a hassle to update your contact information with all your friends, family, and businesses.

However, if the spoofing and harassing calls have become unbearable, changing your number may be the only way to finally put an end to the problem. Just be sure to first take all the other steps to try to stop the telemarketers before resorting to this drastic measure.

Be Cautious with Your Number
Finally, it's important to be cautious about how freely you share your phone number, as this can make it more vulnerable to being used by telemarketers. Avoid posting your number publicly online or giving it out to businesses you don't fully trust.


If a company or organization asks for your number, inquire about how they will use and protect it. The more discretion you use with your contact information, the less likely it is to end up in the hands of unscrupulous telemarketers.

Dealing with telemarketing calls and number spoofing can be incredibly frustrating, but by taking these proactive steps, you can significantly reduce the problem and regain control over your phone number. Stay vigilant and don't hesitate to report any ongoing issues to the proper authorities.
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