Congratulations on the innovation intention

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Congratulations on the innovation intention

Post by chummaa613 »

I was especially struck by how the use and importance of social networks for both personal and business promotion was focused. Numerous examples of companies, their marketing campaigns and their “modus operandis” were also listed. Some examples are highlighted below: Spotify: a company that right now does not generate profit but that has something very important in its power: a database provided by its customers (regardless of whether they use the free or Premium mode) about their likes, hobbies, age, behavioral habits) The user's tendency to contract the services of companies online. Note that some banks make 13 times more customers through their Facebook pages than in their physical offices.

Highlighting the importance of doing good digital marketing, based on simplicity and interactivity with the user. As twitter is becoming an excellent tool for the technical service of some companies. Hawkers sunglasses campaign, based on being more "aggressive" in the sunnier months. Campaigns of the Strarivarius company (women's clothing store), based on fluctuating prices on executive list the days when an important sporting event is held. Bookmaker campaigns: basically based on being simple and striking; with keywords like “free”. Other concepts such as the importance of knowing the customer, their loyalty and recruitment, among others, were also discussed.


In conclusion, the celebration of these conferences has been very interesting. In fact, UDIMA should consider giving it a larger dimension. I also hope that attendance will increase in future editions and that this will allow the conference to be moved to rooms with more capacity, as promised by the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Carmen Hidalgo. This auditorium would allow the improvement of the conferences, with more participation of the attendees and greater interaction with the speakers. It has certainly been an experienecommendable.In Spain we have ompanies and of that two million fewer than 50,000 carry out some type of regular international activity.
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