Among those accepted Abraham Maslow

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Among those accepted Abraham Maslow

Post by mamun0404 »

For some years now, creative thinking has attracted the attention of scientists and educators, but also of the business world: today, the most innovative companies consider creativity as one of the most requested skills for hiring professionals, especially for its ability to offer alternative ideas in solving problems.

But, when we talk about “ creativity ” what do we really mean? The word arises from the terms creatio and creare , and refer to the act of producing or giving rise to something new. For a long time, creativity was related only to artistic and philosophical aspects, but starting in the th century it began to have Grenada Email List relevance in all areas of human development. There are hundreds of definitions of creativity; In fact, it was not until that the term appeared for the first time in Webster's dictionary, and from that moment on, various authors developed their own concepts.


A stands out, who considers that there are two types of creativity: Primary creativity : motivated by inspiration, starting from spontaneous processes that respond to the particular interests of each individual. Secondary creativity : The creative process is more systematic and controlled, motivated by personal and external interests to achieve a final product, usually for the resolution of a problem. The second case has greater relevance for higher education because it involves a preparation process, that is, the development of creativity techniques that allow the student to exercise creativity to achieve a specific goal.
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