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Until I'm willing to say

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 8:24 am
Scott McCain Oh my god this is a very important point John because when I first started the speaking business people would say "What are you talking about" and I said "About an hour." You know what I mean is whatever Whatever you need I'll be there. Proper time management of course. I had to figure this out before I could write my speech. I'm a mile wide and an inch deep. So another thing I have to bring up here is the concept of events. I help business owners develop and grow event-based businesses based on love, generosity and appreciation. This is what I do. That’s the power of events I believe events are the ultimate talking point. Michael Maher So if that person might be in the So your campaign wouldn't necessarily be for consumers your campaign might be for divorce attorneys or anyone else doctors counselors psychologists and so on.

Am I booked? Yes. I was doing okay but I wasn’t known for anything. , "This Faroe Islands Email List is what I do." You know what else I think we often overlook is when you say, "Oh I'm not the best choice for you," you gain credibility at that point. Because then a potential client or client knows when you say, "Oh this is what I do." This event won't be your event to talk about real estate this event will be the latest in their field. Changes in divorce laws or changes in any law. So organize these types of events so you can give them value from the meaning of the event as well as from something educational, entertaining and philanthropic. I had to throw this out because an incident became very topical.


Yeah that's in my wheelhouse. "Man now the integrity and credibility you have increases exponentially when you're willing to say you're not a good fit for something else. Well I would normally say I'm not a good fit unless you're willing to pay that much then I'm probably a good fit The candidate. Doesn't that pass the integrity test? Scott McCain Well I mean if someone asks for heart surgery I don't care how much they're willing to pay. That's one event that I think is the ultimate. Talk. John Jentsch Yeah. I think you can be very liberal about the meaning of the event. I mean I've been preaching that for years taking six of my best clients together so they can actually meet that. It's an event. It doesn't have to be this big ballroom thing. Michael Maher No event. I mean in fact a big ballroom can be counterproductive to your goals.