Blog Vs Website: What's the Difference?

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Blog Vs Website: What's the Difference?

Post by messi10 »

Looking to start a blog or website? First, you'll need to learn a few basics, like: The difference between a blog and a website Why people create blogs and websites Who can benefit from a blog or website How to start creating a blog or website Let's go. Managed Services Banner Contents What is the difference between a blog and a website? A brief history of blogging Why do people create websites and blogs? Who should have a website or blog? How to Start a Blog or Website Conclusion What is the difference between a blog and a website? A website is a collection of web pages under one name, such as "".

Websites like often have multiple web pages, such as an "About Us" page and a "Pricing" page. One of the pages you can navigate to is the “Blog”. A blog is a series of written articles that are most often organized by publication date. Blogs contain multiple blog posts, and each blog post is essentially an article like you would read in a newspaper or magazine. In fact, you're reading a blog post right now. A brief history of blogging In the 1990s, Internet users began to regularly post articles about their personal lives or opinions on various topics. They were like online journal or diary entries. At the time, people called these series of entries “web logs”. Over time, the two words have become mixed up in “blogs”. Blog posts were so popular that companies started mobile phone number list creating tools and platforms to support blogging. A notable mention is WordPress, which started in 2003. Today, 37% of the internet is built on WordPress. Blogs have evolved considerably over the decades.

Some blog posts are now several thousand words long, based on extensive research, and contain beautiful infographics. big tip WordPress isn't the only blogging platform on the web. There are plenty of others, like Blogger and Medium, as well as site builders like Wix and Squarespace. It's worth researching the different options to see what works best for you. Why do people create websites and blogs? The short answer is that websites and blogs make you money. For a more comprehensive answer, here are some specific reasons why people create websites and blogs: Websites are a permanent advertisement The websites are available worldwide 24/7 and accessible from any connected device. If you create a website for your business, you can tell the world about:
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