The Top 10 Freelance Writing Niches Worth Writing About

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The Top 10 Freelance Writing Niches Worth Writing About

Post by messi10 »

Writers are always looking for the perfect niche. A niche - an area of ​​specialization, whether it's a topic or a type of content - can help a writer stand out from the crowd, get more jobs, and earn more per job. Think about it. If you've written dozens of articles on budgeting for your twenties, for example, you have an advantage over the person writing about budgeting when they're not researching digital marketing, higher education, and consumer technology. The goal is to find a niche that: matches your background and interests, and is also highly demanded by customers. In this article, you will find some of the best freelance writing niches.

They're sought after and profitable, and they're accessible to writers of all experience levels. Contents 1. Long content 2. B2B white papers 3. Email Marketing 4. Ghostwriting 5. Cryptocurrency 6. Marijuana 7. Personal Finances 8. IT/Technology 9. Software as a Service 10. Real Estate In conclusion 1. Long content Long-form content is in high demand with customers who write for a very good reason: it gets results. According to search engine optimization (SEO) research, long content receives more backlinks than shorter content and is more likely to rank on the first page. (Image credit: Backlinko) Specializing in long-form content whatsapp phone number list can make you valuable to clients looking to keep up with today's digital marketing.

You will also earn more. According to Make a Living Writing's 2020 Writer Compensation Survey, the most commonly quoted rate for a long-form blog post is $400 and up, and the number of writers charging these rates is growing. 2. B2B white papers If you enjoy writing for business-to-business (B2B) clients and aren't afraid of longer content, consider specializing in white paper writing. A white paper is an information-rich report that addresses a business problem and outlines a specific solution. They are usually persuasive in nature, but companies want them to appear to be educational rather than selling. They are also lead magnets. According to a report by DemandGen, 76% of buyers are willing to share their information in exchange for a whitepaper.
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