Keywords and Keyword Research – #pubcon Liveblog

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Keywords and Keyword Research – #pubcon Liveblog

Post by messi10 »

Keyword research - it's the first step in the search engine optimization process, according to Bruce Clay, Inc. In this Pubcon Las Vegas session, Bruce Clay himself with fellow presenters Craig Paddock ( @craigpaddock ) and Ash Nallwalla ( @ashnallawalla ) talk about how to perform the best possible research methods for your keyword process. Craig Paddock: content and topic research Hummingbird makes sure that we don't target keywords, but topics and multiple synonyms, says Craig Paddock. Seventy percent (70%) of queries now involve synonyms, and 98% of the time Google correctly delivers results for synonyms. The SERPs for “boxing gear” and “boxing gear” are the same. We quickly lose keyword data from analytics. There are workarounds for replacing actual data with "not provided" in Google Analytics (GA).

His agency provides an organic report by URL in GA. It includes partial data from Bing/Yahoo/Google. It mentions that you can get data from Google Search Console. And you might want to implement site search, if only for data intelligence. You can also get data from paid search and AdWords ad serving. Here are some sources of keyword data: Search Console Queries: The Queries report does not show performance data (such as Goals, $$$) and is limited to 90 days. GA Search Console data : Again, no performanc employee contact list data, limited to 90 days. AdWords Organic Report : Logged in to Search Console account, AdWords account under Dimensions tab.

There's no performance data, landing page data, or historical data, but it's great because it shows organic click-through rate (CTR) with paid impact, which can inform your search for keywords. Keyword (content) selection factors for research: Popularity CTR Quality Competitiveness Commitment Paddock stresses the importance of being an authority on your subject. To have authoritative content, don't just target the best selling terms. Be an authority and be interesting. Ideas for key phrases: Best — target with anchor text Wholesale to retail is not as competitive and has over 50% CTR The glossary can add key phrase depth. Nearby queries are up 100% year over year How-to queries are up on YouTube at 70% “Your Business Reviews/Complaints”: Provides a direct option to complain before posting on Yelp or Consumer Affairs Opportunities to target your brand name — your most important keyword phrases:
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