Internal link building works wonders

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Internal link building works wonders

Post by emailnumberlist33 »

So write simply and casually. Use internal and external link building Training of internal link building - internal link in SEO Using internal link building creates a logical sequence and order in your posts. . If you can use this technique correctly, both users will visit more pages of your site and it will make search engines easily understand your key headings. But external links! Here I don't mean off-page links or buying backlinks for your site. Rather, I mean putting links to other sites at the bottom of your posts.

If you have read somewhere that you should never link to other sites from among Bahamas Email List content, I tell you that this statement is completely wrong. External links show that you are well versed in the topic you are writing about to the point where you are ready to use more resources to support your content. But since known sources have more credibility, try to link more to these sources. Be aware that excessive linking, both internal and external, can have negative results, and be sure to keep in mind that each link must have its own purpose in the text and aim to improve the content.


Optimize images By optimizing your images, your chance to appear in Google image search results increases. Since the importance of visual and visual content is increasing day by day, SEO knowledge cannot be ignored in this case, fortunately optimizing images is not time-consuming and you should always pay attention to a few things: 1- Always choose a relevant file name. 2- Pay attention to the size of the files because they affect the speed of the site. On average, try not to exceed the size of your images by 100 kilobytes. 3- Don't forget to add alt and title tags to the photo.
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