With that in mind try to make

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With that in mind try to make

Post by tanjimtisha777 »

Quality photos and graphics a regular part of your blog. If you are struggling to come up with ideas, think about what could be visually appealing about your brand. Do you have any eyecatching products? Can you take “behind-the-scenes” photos of your employees? Do you have a cool, new office to show off? Anything that is fun to look at is perfect for Tumblr.

Urban Outfitters often posts photos that do not even feature Liechtenstein Email List their products, but are reblogged by many users who want the images on their blogs. This might seem counterintuitive to someone who is trying to market their business, but think back to the function you decided to give your blog. If you are trying to create a brand identity, you don’t have to explicitly promote your products.


This strategy works on Tumblr, because no matter whose blogs the images end up on, your brand name will stay at the top of the post.urbanoutfittersIn addition to photos, GIFs are extremely popular on Tumblr. If you have the time, it could be worth making a few and seeing how they perform. If you are new to creating GIFs, this a good tutorial using Photoshop. drakeTumblr users also tend to respond well to humor.
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