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Post by nishat654 »

You’re Looking for Quick Results
If you’re looking for instant results from digital marketing efforts, SEO is not the right strategy that you should focus on. SEO is the best way to build consistent organic traffic for the long term. It’s an investment for future results.

It’s better to focus on other digital marketing efforts like Google Sweden WhatsApp Number Ads and Social Media Ads if you want to generate instant traffic to your website. But once you stop spending on paid ads, your traffic will instantly vanish.

When you start investing in SEO, you will see consistent growth in your search traffic in 6 to 12 months. Even if you decide to stop investing in SEO, you’ll still generate quality traffic from search engines.

Patience is a virtue. If you’re patient about your business growth, why don’t you have the same patience when it comes to SEO?


Enjoy the compounding growth effect with SEO for the long term if you’re serious about growing your business online.

Solution: Have 6 months or 12 months SEO plan in place. Consistently create and publish valuable content that is relevant to your business. Focus on educating your target market and slowly convert them into paying customers.

Final Thoughts
These are the most common SEO mistakes that lead to SEO failure. Are there any other reasons that we’ve missed out?
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