How to Use Google Search Console for Keyword Research

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How to Use Google Search Console for Keyword Research

Post by messi10 »

Google Search Console (GSC) is often overlooked by SEOs and content marketers as a keyword research tool, but that's a big mistake. GSC not only offers a treasure trove of information about your website's current and historical performance, but also ideas for keyword optimization and new content. Specifically, by using Google Search Console, you can learn how to better optimize your existing content and identify new SEO keyword opportunities . Below, we discuss both use cases in more detail. Managed Services Banner Contents Optimize existing content When your content ranks for its desired keywords When your content isn't ranking for its target keywords

Optimizing current content for new keywords Identify new SEO opportunities How to identify the “right” keywords to target Conclusion Optimize existing content Content writers often create content designed to target specific keywords, only to later find that a blog post contains: failed to rank for those terms, or started ranking for something unexpected. Using Google Search Console, you can find out exactly what your content is ranking for and then adjust your content strategy accordingly. Unlike other SEO tools, Google email database Search Console displays the exact search queries that users type into Google, regardless of how often those terms are searched.

This is especially useful for revealing long question-based searches and other long-tail keywords. It also means you can identify the most effective terms for driving clicks to your website. Armed with this information, it will be easier to identify how a page can be optimized for certain keywords. When your content ranks for its desired keywords Google Search Console reveals where your pages rank for specific keywords. For example, our blog post “6 Marketing Causes to Inspire for 2019” ranks for the following keywords:
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