How to get better content from your freelance writers

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How to get better content from your freelance writers

Post by messi10 »

I love working freelance. I've been doing it for almost 10 years now. I love getting to know a new client, learning their style, and using that knowledge to create something that fits their brand perfectly. There's nothing quite like that feeling of submitting a piece and a customer responding with "I love it!" or "Yes, you said it perfectly." "I'm thrilled that my job is to spread people's ideas around the world, and I want that to happen more often. But doing it is not always easy. I think the key to this type of perfectly suited content is understanding: my understanding of what the customer wants and the customer's understanding of what I need to do my best .

Both sides are equally important to creating great content, although sometimes one (or both) can be lacking. As a freelancer, here's what I wish every client knew about working with freelance writers. Contents The challenges of self-employment Freelancing does not always forgive. Output is everything. Instructions are not always clear. 4 tips for getting better content from freelancers 1. Be specific with project instructions. 2. Provide an overview. 3. Include resources. 4. Show me what you like (and dislike). Takeaway meals The challenges of self-employment The freelance life is wonderful. I can work from anywhere, set my own schedule (time permitting), and even email list choose which projects I work on. But every gift has its price, and that includes self-employment. Freelancing does not always forgive.

For the most part, we freelance writers aren't sitting on the beaches of Bali with miraculously glare-free laptops. We're hunched over our computers at 10 p.m. on a Sunday night because we have a Monday deadline. We respond to emails at midnight because the customer is on the other side of the world. Yes, we set our own working hours, but most of us are more likely to set hours that are much longer than they should be. Output is everything. We freelance writers work long hours because we only get paid for the work we produce. We don't have paid time off or even built-in downtime during the day like office workers do. Some of us don't even get paid by the hour, we get paid by the word.
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