The 8 Best Content Promotion Strategies

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The 8 Best Content Promotion Strategies

Post by messi10 »

Creating quality content is only half the battle. It also needs to be promoted. Many companies fail at this stage of their content marketing strategy. They create content, click publish and maybe share articles once on their social networks. Unfortunately, this strategy will not attract the visitors you are hoping for. Without content promotion, also known as content distribution, your amazing blog posts, podcasts, and videos won't achieve the results you're looking for. However, if you promote your content, you will start to see more traffic to your website, more shares, more leads, and ultimately more sales. To quote Andy Crestodina: “It's not the best content that wins. The best promoted content wins. There are many ways to start promoting your content. Every content promotion tactic has its strengths and weaknesses. Here, we'll cover eight crucial promotional tactics and help you decide which ones are best for your content strategy: Contents 1.

Make your content easy to share 2. Send your content to your mailing list 3. Share your content on social networks 4. Ask influencers to share your content 5. Syndicate your content 6. Share your message on content communities 7. Use Paid Social Promotion 8. Research Breakdown First, Then Write Create a content promotion strategy that works for you 1. Make your content easy to share You can use website add-ons that allow your visitors to quickly share your content. For example, QuickBooks blog posts feature icons at the top of the posts that users can use to share content on social media platforms with a single click. Without nifty and handy tools, your audience will have to copy the website URL, log into social media, manually create a post, and paste the URL into that post. Often the manual mobile number list process is so complicated that visitors won't share a post even if they want to. However, there are small ways to help your viewers, such as:

Better Click To Tweet (WordPress plugin) allows you to embed a great tweetable quote in your posts. With just one click, your viewers can share this quote on their Twitter accounts without having to write a tweet themselves. Sassy Social Share (WordPress plugin) allows you to place social media buttons on different parts of your blog post. Users can click these buttons to share your post on just about any social media platform. The Save button (for Pinterest) provides a one-stop button that allows your viewers to instantly tag your content for later use. There are various other small tools like this; just look for them. Although the most important aspect of making your posts shareable is creating valuable content, you shouldn't stop there. You should make sharing your content a breeze.
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