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Advanced Audience Targeting for #smx Remarketing

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:08 am
by messi10
If you can do precise audience targeting, then you can have more control over who sees your ads and get more conversions for your marketing dollars! In this in-depth session from SMX West 2016, we'll learn how to use advanced targeting techniques like remarketing lists, custom affinity lists, YouTube remarketing, and more. The goal is to maximize the return on investment of your advertising campaign. Speakers for audience targeting session (Left to right) Search Engine Land's Pamela Parker with speakers Joe Kerschbaum, Mark Irvine and Amy Bishop Moderator: Pamela Parker, Managing Editor, Search Engine Land (@pamelaparker) Speakers: Mark Irvine, Senior Data Scientist at WordStream (@MarkIrvine89) Joseph Kerschbaum, Account Manager at 3Q Digital (@joekerschbaum) Amy Bishop, Director: Audits, Outbound, Training at Clix Marketing (@hoffman8) Mark Irvine: 4 Ways to Find Your Wildest Dream Audience — and How to Convert Them! Mark Irvine is a data scientist who studies industry trends in PPC.

Dating is a lot like audience targeting. More of us are doing it online. It can be difficult to find someone who is interested in you. Sometimes you will hunt them down (just a little). Your first impressions mean everything. It's too easy to lose a good fit by not following through. He suggests approaching digital marketing like a courtship. #1: Find someone new Finding your perfect match is a journey. You don't always know what you are looking for right away. Rethink your key audiences. 40% of baby product buyers live in households without children! Use Google Analytics to rethink key audiences for your campaigns. It brings up a slide showing conversion rate by market segment (found by opening Audience > Interests > Affinity Categories in GA). that helps you identify the key and most profitable decesion maker email list demographics for your campaigns. #2: Hunting Chase past visitors with remarketing. Remarketing will re-engage your best visitors. Highly engaged users are more likely to convert later.

Remarketing is no longer just for display! The same conversion trends for engaged users are true across platforms, and users are 76% more likely to click on a remarketing ad! Google's customer list targeting has some of the best conversion rates in the industry. ( Note: Another WordStream speaker dipped into customer list targeting earlier this week; you can read Cleo Hage's live blog from the session to learn more about it.) #3: The first date Choose where to woo your audience. Match relevant audiences with relevant website targets to gain positive engagement. Find your content match. Check out GA to find the best referral locations. These will also be your top ad placements. Get out of mobile and app ads, though. Nearly half of all clicks on in-app ads were accidental. Typically, we see mobile app ad placements with a high CTR but a disappointing conversion rate. Exclude your ads from in-app placements.