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How Dynamic Ads Can Boost Your Sem #smx Campaigns

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:15 am
by messi10
As part of your SEM campaigns, do you serve dynamic search ads, called DSAs? Learn which websites will naturally benefit from DSAs and how to use automation rules to control DSAs. Beyond search ads, also learn about DSAs for display ads and Facebook ads. Moderator: Brad Geddes, Founder, Certified Knowledge (@bgTheory) Speakers for the DSA session at SMX West Brad Geddes (left) with speakers Sahil Jain and John Lee Speakers: Sahil Jain, CEO & Co-Founder, AdStage (@sahilio) John Lee, Managing Partner, Clix Marketing (@john_a_lee) Sahil Jain: Pros/Cons and Advanced Automation Strategies for DSAs Jain has created a cross-platform ad management tool. His agenda for this presentation: How dynamic search ads work Who should use DSA Advantages and disadvantages of DSA Best practices/verified/ Advanced Automation Strategies for DSAs What are Dynamic Search Ads? Create an ad and the title and destination URL are created dynamically; the search engine selects them.

Regardless of the search query, the engine finds the most relevant landing page and the existing query to generate the title. You define descriptions 1 and 2. Configuring DSAs This is a type of ad reserved for the search network. Use your base domain. Get more specific by adding a category. Categories: Recommendations are provided to you and you can also ignore them. The problem with DSAs is that they can go crazy. He recommends containing them by being more specific with your selected categories. Who should use DSAs? He thinks there are the 3 main types of websites for using DSAs: Education E-commerce To travel Verticals that have multiple landing pages, large product catalogs, or various categories. Small businesses with limited resources can also benefit. Setup takes less time and you can job title email list get more data faster. Why Dynamic Search Ads Google talks about having over a trillion different search queries per year. There are many long-tail keywords that are high converters.

There is more traffic than you are capturing. Fifteen percent (15%) of daily searches, or approximately 500 million queries per day, are truly unique on Google, which is why they use DSA as their search tool. Advantages and Disadvantages of DSAs Benefits of using Dynamic Search Ads: Minimum installation time Capture more traffic Query-based dynamic landing page Discover the search terms in conversion Cons/Cons: More time needed to optimize Possibly more irrelevant traffic if not optimized Less control over the destination URL Less control over your ad title Best Practices for Successful DSA Campaigns Negative Keywords Google Analytics Small budgets Ad testing Add negative keywords - this gives you control over the beast that is DSAs. A useful tool is the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, which is good for finding negative keywords. Extract your search terms reports in AdWords. Set very small budgets for these types of campaigns: $20 to $50 per day. The initial objective is to obtain data. At around $20-$50 they can have enough confidence in the setup and other variables that they can adjust.