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The Future of Search: Duane Forrester's Pubcon Conference Live Blog

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:54 am
by messi10
The face of Bing search, Duane Forrester (@DuaneForrester), will give a lively speech at Pubcon Las Vegas 2015. Titled “The Future of Search May Not Be What You Expect,” his stat-rich speech covers many topics, including: Millennials (the group everyone is trying to sell to) Mobiles and wearables Officers The future of research Let's dive! Thoughts on Millennials Millennials were born between 1982 and 2004. Currently, they are between 10 and 34 years old. Many of them are now entering their prime earning years. Moreover, they are savers. Millennials want to attach themselves to a brand, but they are not loyal. They have seen the global economy collapse, personally. They have never known a time when the Internet did not exist. If you're in banking, you have a tough, tough road ahead of you.

They are not interested in objects but in experiences – if you sell products, stop them. Sell ​​experiences instead. They spend differently than previous generations, preferring to invest money in new experiences and adventures and rewarding socially responsible businesses they can connect with and believe to be genuine. It's easier to see this shift in the food industry, where millennials are helping to disrupt the casual dining landscape and boost revenue for chains like Chipotle and Panera. Millennials spend individual email list the most money in the coming year on fresh fruit, organic foods and natural products. Less favorable, in their minds, are spending on luxury goods, sodas, apps and handbags.

Banking is an industry that millennials particularly hate. Thoughts on mobile and more Mobile first means: More mobile queries than desktop queries now Context is critical Responsive design FTW! Mobile specific algorithms now Forrester says the future of mobile is the seamless blending of mobile with desktop functionality - Samsung has filed a patent for something called Project Arcadia, which will allow users to easily port Android and iOS apps to a billion Windows devices. Imagine a world where laptops and power cords are unnecessary! In the next couple of years, we'll have ingestible stuff – we'll be able to take a pill that will give doctors information about the inner workings of our bodies. US Starbucks wins on mobile 11% of transactions per week are made via mobile devices in-store.