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How Can I Rank Higher in Google Local Search? Bruce Clay's Checklist for Local Seo

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:25 am
by messi10
The good news: showing up in Google's search engine can be hugely beneficial to your local business. The bad news: Google doesn't care how high or low you rank. It only cares that there are quality results that answer the query to the full satisfaction of the searcher. So the pressing question is how do you rank higher on Google Maps and Google local search results? This list of local SEO ranking factors is not exhaustive or in order of priority, but grouped into general categories that you can access as follows: Housekeeping signals Content Keywords and Signals Signals on the page Link signals Local pack signals Social signals Signals of success Housekeeping signals 1. Branding Being a respected business in your community will increase your local search visibility. Google pays great attention to a brand's perceived trust and expertise. Even if you're just starting out, aim for happy customers and consistent quality to drive traffic and mentions.

2. Domain Name Your website name should accurately represent your business or brand. It will be in every URL, so make it something relevant and easy to remember. Don't use a single keyword phrase to avoid an exact match domain (EMD) penalty. On the other hand, including a keyword as part of your domain ) can help you as a local business if it's related to your brand name. Search algorithms are getting better and better at weeding out low quality results, so make sure your domain doesn't look spammy. 3. Hosting When it comes to web hosting, consider software speed, availability, and maintenance. Choose a host that guarantees fast delivery of your content, as page load speed is now a factor in Google's algorithm. Beyond the hosting platform, there 国家邮箱列表 are plenty of ways to speed up your web pages. Using accelerated mobile pages and/or progressive web apps may also be worth considering.

4. Content Management System (CMS) First and foremost, your CMS should be easy to use. Here, WordPress is king, consistently the best CMS used on the web. Consider how you can enhance your system's functionality with plugins - lists 1,864 plugins for "local" only. And don't forget a WordPress SEO plugin either. 5. Compatibility We're in a mobile-first world, with the majority of searches being done on smartphones and Google rating sites based on their mobile-friendliness. Check your site to make sure it is mobile-friendly and optimized for mobile devices, otherwise your rankings and visitor numbers will suffer. Voice search is the next big area of ​​compatibility.