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Link Building in the Age of Penguins: Seos on Link Gaining, Pruning and Disavowing

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:27 am
by messi10
Link building is a hot topic of debate among search engine optimization analysts, as quality links are essential for top rankings, while spammy links can land on a site with a severe penalty for search engines. In the age of the penguin, attention must be paid not only to the links themselves, but also to how they are earned. Even asking for links the wrong way can violate webmaster guidelines, according to a Google blog post published earlier this month. (Here is the original Google post in Portuguese.) As moderators of last Thursday's SEO-focused Twitter chat, #SEOchat, we wanted to hear what top SEOs thought about the current state of link building, link removal, and link disavowal. The debate was lively and sometimes surprising. We asked questions such as: Here are some of the thought-provoking and controversial views: Do you think link building is a black-hat technique? The term "linkbuilding" has some baggage, but it's not inherently black hat. Always prefer “the gain of links”. All about intent. (@ramirez_robert) Do you always recommend a site to submit a disavow file to Google? Call me crazy, but I wouldn't walk up to a cop and say, "Hey, someone left these drugs in my pocket." (@tonyxrandall) To remove weak links for Google Penguin recovery, how much time do you spend pruning links rather than disavowing them? Very sensitive question to be dealt with by site. Many sites don't require a disavow - and when used - I'm afraid a red flag will be raised. (@EricLanderSEO) Would you like to know if a site has disavowed you?

How many disavowals would it take before alarming you? Yes, especially in cases where you suspect negative SEO. I would like to be notified immediately. (@MatthewAYoung) Yes, I would like to know. There is no reason to ignore the IMO in this regard. (@JesseStoler) Yes, mostly it was part of a pattern. Maybe bad SEO, maybe my baby is ugly. But being disavowed is a call to action. (@CallMeLouzander) Read on to find out what SEOs had to say during Thursday's #SEOChat on Twitter! Has the Penguin update made the link building process easier for you or made it harder to navigate? Eric Lander: My clients tend to view content quality and social engagement as triggers for quality links. In short, it is beneficial for me. Netvantage Marketing: Depends on website to website. Need to pay special attention to sites that have tried bad link building in the past. Creative California: Definitely more difficult. I now have to scrutinize each site before looking for a link on it. Matthew Young : Neither difficult nor easy. By having a content link earning strategy, nothing really changed. Do you 传真列表 think link building is a black-hat technique? Robert Ramirez: The term "linkbuilding" has some baggage, but it's not inherently black hat. Always prefer “the gain of links”.

All about intent. Dragon Search: It could be either, depending on how you go about it. A little strategic public relations goes a long way. Brian Baker: Tough question. This is the intention behind link building. John Alexander: I've always been wary of link building campaigns, TBH. Find relevant directories, of course. But how systematic can you be? Kristi Kellogg: Personally, I think it's better to spend time creating quality content and promoting it than building links. My logic being that if you build something amazing, links will naturally be a by-product. Eric Lander: No, and it never has been. People are pushing the boundaries of marketing initiatives – link building is essential, but far from black. To be clear, aspects of SEO can be pushed into gray/black areas. It is up to us to ethically provide quality services and results. Netvantage Marketing: bringing value to users = white hat. Only trying to manipulate rankings = black hat. Creative California: Not at all. Most of the links we build are local directories, media citations, social networks. If we don't pursue them, they will never arrive. In other words, you can't naturally get links if you don't promote yourself. Matthew Young: It depends who you ask. Google says "Don't build links", but the irony is that the algo is built on top of them.