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Smx Liveblog: Mad Scientists of Paid Research

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:38 am
by messi10
This is a near real-time report from SMX Advanced 2015. Feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments and we'll be reaching out to stakeholders for clarification. The 2015 “Mad Scientists of Paid Research” panel features PPC professionals at the top of their game: Soren Ryherd, Andrew Goodman and Andy Taylor. Find out why current tools aren't ideal for the multi-channel landscape, learn what influences a conversion, and get other in-depth insights for paid search professionals. paid-search-scientists-smx-advanced-2015 From left to right: Andrew Goodman, Soren Ryherd and Andy Taylor Soren Ryherd: The problem of tools today Soren Ryherd is president and co-founder of Working Planet. His presentation is Don't Murder the Prophet – aka Don't Murder Profit . Ryherd cautions the public that tools that report on single-channel performance or aim to optimize a single channel (i.e. search) are not enough .

Why? Most of the analytics tools available are search-based, but user behavior is radically different on search compared to other media. Bid Management, Channel Rating, and Programmatic Buying break down when viewed independently because they are based purely on channel performance, but users don't behave that way. Uses don't care about your channels. The user engagement path is determined by the media type. Search behavior is heavily influenced by behavior occurring in other channels. However, the same is not true of how users can be influenced when interacting with other media. For example, when a user is interrupted while doing something like watching a video or reading an article, they are much less likely to engage with your ad. Out-of-channel steals value from in-channel. Our job as optimizers is to support value on things that are likely to break - and the further away you go from research, the more channels are likely to break. We must get out of the constraints and assumptions of current tools. The tools and tracking were designed for the device as a proxy for the person and a click as the only path to engagement. Both are false. Remember that brand traffic is not a channel. Brand traffic is the end of a conversation Acquista il database email that you created in some other way. It should only be considered in combination with other channels/activities/data.

Channel optimization can lead to inefficient results. The baseline for out-of-channel behavior cannot be zero. Ad structure should reflect user behavior. Working backwards from sales: Income is real Models can't predict more sales than there actually are Incorporating real financial data into optimization is essential Out-of-channel behavior appears in the brand and direct unknown bucket. Understanding what drives the unknown bucket allows you to better optimize campaigns. Be smart: The complexity of user behavior offers opportunities, but only if we adopt out-of-channel behavior. Don't kill the profit. Andrew Goodman: Realizing “Enhanced CPC” Andrew Goodman is the president of Page Zero Media. An article published by Google tells us that "Enhanced CPC could be described as an ROI turbocharger setting for your existing Max CPC campaigns." Even though it says that, it is very difficult for advertisers to know if the CPC Optimizer is better or not.