so they can expand their reach, grow their

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so they can expand their reach, grow their

Post by mdshantoh297 »

This is the part of the brand statement that will play the biggest part in getting your prospects excited about working with you, so spend plenty of time on this one. Examples A firm that offers security systems for the residential market “… so they can sleep peacefully, travel confidently, and feel secure.” A company that provides virtual assistance for digital marketers “… so they can make more money doing the things they love.

An individual who coaches authors who Pitcairn Email List want to have speaking careers “…audiences, and boost their profits.” What does that give us? Let’s see how our three example businesses fared with their brand statements A firm that offers security systems for the residential market We help homeowners protect their valuable residences and personal property so they can sleep peacefully, travel confidently, and feel secure.


A company that provides virtual assistance for digital marketers We help busy digital business owners make the most of their limited time so they can make more money doing the things they love. An individual who coaches authors who want to have speaking careers I help authors become powerful public speakers so they can expand their reach, grow their audiences, and boost their profits.
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