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Engine is interested in the content

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:17 am
by RinaSEO102
Quality Score so that people can come to your website. Quality Score is an important thing for Google Ad Matric in which Google assesses CTR Landing Page etc. and checks whether your website is worthy of the keyword on which you want to rank or not. If you have high quality score then you also get discount on every click. Ad Copy To increase CTR it is important that your Ad Copy is better. Ad copy is what people see in your ad.

Title and description etc. are included in this. If you design better Ad Copy Singapore Email List then you will get good CTR and Quality Score so that you will have to pay less money for the same click. SEO vs SEM Comparison in Hindi Which is better between search engine optimization and search engine marketing Traffic coming from search engines is considered a quality audience from which better conversion can be achieved.


One of the main reasons for this is that the person who comes to your website from search present on your website or your service and product. In such a situation both SEO and SEM are better options in online marketing. But if your budget is low and you do not want to spend much money then SEO is a better option for you which can get you benefit from search engine without any special expense.