Proximity principle

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Proximity principle

Post by tamimislam66666 »

puts . For this reason, the way to write meta descriptions is very important. Below are some general tips for meta descriptions: Usually, the number of characters in the description should be between 150 and 170 characters, the maximum of which is 180 characters. In some cases, the Google search engine may add text to these descriptions. Of course, recently the way of displaying meta descriptions in Google results has increased, which means that the number of description characters has increased. This small change can have a great impact on SEO and audience attraction. These changes have been applied to both desktop and mobile versions. In December 2017, Google partners officially announced that the number of allowed characters and how to display the meta description of a site in the Google search results list has increased.

Previously, this number of characters was usually considered between 150 and 170 to en Western Sahara Email List sure that it can be seen by the user in the meta description of the site in the list of Google search results. It is expected that this increase will reach 320 characters. But it is suggested not to apply this increase in your explanations for a while. Keywords must be used in the meta description. Descriptions must be unique. Why is meta description so important? Do you want to increase monthly visits to your website? Do you want to increase the number of visits to your site without being in the first place? To get answers to the above questions, it is recommended to read the following content.


Most site optimizers associate high site traffic with higher rankings. Of course, meta descriptions do not have a direct effect on site ranking, but these meta descriptions can increase the click rate of your page, and this increase in click rate is effective for improving the ranking in the Google search results list. In simpler language, it is effective for Seo site. A higher ranking does not necessarily mean more visits. But it can be said that the less the site clicks, the lower the site's ranking. The site's click rate (CRT) in the list of Google search results has a great impact on the site's ranking. The higher the site's click rate, the better the ranking in Google.
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