Today, smart bidding

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Today, smart bidding

Post by arjumakhatun1468 »

algorithms are better at analyzing data, understanding nuanced patterns, and making real-time adjustments based on all kinds of factors (like devices, location, or time of day). With this real-time advantage, you’re able to optimize bids and use contextual signals to improve your performance. 4.

Refine your audience targeting If you’re not using a Smart Bermuda Email List Bidding strategy or if your chosen marketing strategy allows you to adjust bids, it’s time to get on board. Adjusting device, location, audience, demographic, time of day, remarketing list (RLSAs), and other bids will allow you to fine-tune your campaigns and control costs.


When you do this continually based on campaign analytics and audience feedback, you achieve more efficient ad spend, better campaign performance, and ultimately, a better return on investment. Just ask our client SwimSuit Direct, who saw more than a 109% increase in annual revenue with HawkSEM’s continued optimizations and targeting strategies.
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