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Make sure your website is technically search engine friendly

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:30 am
by tamimislam66666
The CMA section provides users with a user interface that allows the user to create, edit or delete the required content of the website without needing programming knowledge such as HTML or CSS. On the other hand, CDA provides a behind-the-scenes service with which content created in CMA is managed and presented. Different content management systems (CMS) offer different features and tools. But usually each of these systems provide indexing, information search and retrieval, content structure management, version control, or content copying and publishing. Also, a content management system is capable of one-to-one marketing. This type of marketing gives the website the ability to display content or products or advertisements tailored to different users.

This is done with the help of information collected from users. For example: by checking the pages brow Micronesia Email List sed by the user. A user who has searched for a camera in the search engine will see advertisements or products related to cameras on this website with the help of this system. SEO SEO (SEO: Search Engine Optimization) or optimization for search engines is one of the digital marketing tools that helps a website to get a better rank and position in the search results of Internet users in search engines such as Google or Bing, etc. This powerful method can provide more than 70 percent of website traffic and provide goods and services at the right time and place (when the potential customer is looking for it).


This method is completely free and natural and is different from search engine ads and click ads. But SEO can be divided into two parts. SEO within the website On-site SEO and SEO outside the website Off-site SEO. On-site SEO is something that a content management system provides or plays a role in. On-site SEO refers to the optimization that takes place on the website. These optimizations make the content on the website better visible to the user and understandable to search engines. Issues such as: optimization of content and keywords, user-friendliness of website design, website opening speed, structure of URLs, compatibility with mobile devices, contents of meta tags, etc. Wordpress WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems, which is used in more than 70 percent of websites.