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AI waves, search ranking system update

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:57 am
by hasnaafruza
Ben Fisher Mr. David Meem Mr. Garrett Sussman Mr. Greg Sterling Mr. Mike Blumenthal 2023: “Faster, Higher, Stronger” Image source: St Dennis Band Educating the head without educating the heart is no education at all (Aristotle) We enter the arena of 2023 again, bearing the same shining torch of human intelligence, but with a bit of a slower step this time because everyone is concerned about AI . As we approach the Paris Olympics, we can look back to the Olympic motto first introduced at the 1924 Paris Games: "Faster, Higher, Stronger." We humans always desire to improve ourselves and society.

However, as Aristotle said, ``If you can enjoy Marshall Islands Email List an idea without accepting it, that is the mark of an educated mind.'' Now, with the rise of AI and the way we live our lives dictated by machines, who will be able to see it? Many of my SEO colleagues are wondering if this is a smart move. Simply put, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should . I asked the subject matter experts (SMEs) I work with at Moz what they thought about organic SEO in 2023. These answers provide a special light that illuminates the large stadiums in which all businesses compete.


Tom Copper 's answer: AI waves, search ranking system updates, and SERP feature fluctuations A big topic in SEO towards the end of 2022 is AI content. ChatGPT and Google's Helpful Content update before it both reminded people about this topic. The update seemed pretty prescient and is sure to be followed by a new wave of increasingly coherent content from bots. I expect this to be a major battleground for Google in 2023 . As I write this in the first week of December 2022, an update to Google's Helpful Content System has already been rolled out, making another big change more obvious.