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You can also learn more about them before

Post by seoexpate500 »

For example, Project Manager . In order for a teenager to understand whether this is really his path, a good option is to take courses where he will get to know the profession in a few months, and he will be able to deepen it already during his studies at a university in the "Project Management" profile. Does your son or daughter dream of traveling the world? Consider a tourist destination. And for individuals with non-standard thinking, creative specializations, such as UI/UX designer or copywriter, are suitable. entering the university in the online school.

Online courses Prioritize business, not money or prestige One of the common Montenegro Email List of adults is to push a child to a profession that is considered the most promising. For example, to the IT field or medicine. But a career only by calculation will not bring satisfaction. A good specialist will be in demand in any field, the main thing is to do what brings fire to the eyes and not turn money into an end in itself. Offer to take a career orientation test Tests will help choose the right vector for those who do not understand at all in which direction to move.


But we recommend not to use the first surveys you come across on Google. It is optimal to make a request to a school psychologist or a teacher, who will provide additional advice on the results obtained. If there is no such possibility, use the official tests from the State Employment Service or the All-Ukrainian project on vocational guidance and career building . Please note: they serve only as an auxiliary tool and do not give the only correct answer to the question "Who should go to study?" Help of parents to the child when choosing a profession Fantasize together Have a heart-to-heart talk with the child and try to find out exactly what he wants: where to live, study, what to do? In order not to put a teenager in a stupor, it is better to do this not through direct questions, but, for example, to offer to imagine your ideal day.
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